Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Should I tell my boyfriend?

This is for someone who wont get bored reading it!!:) A while back in like December, I started going out with a friend of mine. Still before I started going out with him there was this other guy that wanted to rekindle our relationship from before. I was pretty set on my current boyfriend though so I kind of blew the other one off. When I went on winter vacation, I talked to my ex all the time. He always jokingly reminded me that I sucked for being with this other guy. My ex and I decided to hang out one day during break, and I couldn't stop looking at him or thinking about him. It took all my power not to kiss him. I would never cheat, not ever, but I was so drawn in by this guy. Before he left he kissed me on the forehead and said that was all he could give me. Fair enough, it made things easier. A week later I broke up with my boyfriend for this guy. He wanted to wait till he saw me to make things official, but after new years he told me he couldn't take it and asked me over the phone. I quickly fell in love witht him. I know that sounds dumb, but I was head over heels for him. Days after our ONE MONTH anniversary.....I had with him. It was kind of my idea, well he brought it up, but I started everything. I absolutely do not regret it. About a month later, he told me he got wasted at a party and cheated on me. Not an innocent kiss or a mistakenmake outt, but . I told him we could get through it, and I still loved him, I just said wecouldn'tt have anymore. (Note this:Ididn'tt just meet him, I had been trying to be with him for 7 months prior to the events :) Im not a tramp.ha haa) Well Icouldn'tt reallyhandlet it so I broke up with him... Days later we got back together. A million little things led up to final breakup, me breaking up with him because he lied to me about a girl on Facebook. He told me she was just a friend, but the day I made the breakup official he started going out with that same girl. Its been a few weeks since we ended us, but a week since its been official. Idon'tt talk to him anymore, or I just havent talked to him. Im back with the guy I left for him. He makes me so rediculously happy and I really like him. Im still very in love with my ex, but I know I have to get over things. Its been bothering me lately that I should tell my boyfriend I had . I dont know why. My friend said she wouldnt but its weird not telling him. He means a lot to me. Hes older than me to, and hes still a virgin. I feel really bad that I havent told him. I dont regret doing it I just want to be honest with him. Should I tell him or wait for him to ask? Also, other people know Im not a virgin, but they arent threats so they wont tell him.

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