Monday, August 8, 2011

Are my neighbors alowd 2 do this?

my neighbors who r as old as my parents r super protectave of their kids, + me an mw twin brother. When alex an me where walkin around with sari when she told me to git over there when she told me i didnt need to be dragin her daughter around with boys. i told her it was my TWIN BROTHER but she didnt beleve me even tho he looks like me. so she told my mom that i was in a bikini walikin around with a MOB of dudes. then she called the camp i was going 2 go 2 and told them that i wouldnt be going. after that she made my wear nun clothes and SHE CUT MY HAIR it was about 4 feet now its the lenght it is in mi pic. she wouldnt even let me leave her house or 4 hours, so is she alowd to basicly take me hostage n do all tha other stuff-alice

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