Sunday, August 14, 2011

GIRLS: What Do You Think?

Alright so a little back story: Last Year, My freshman year of high school, I liked a girl in my math cl. We became work partners and really enjoyed talking to each other and flirting and I can confidently say she liked me. But, I never told her how I really felt about her because I was to shy. This Year she is in my Spanish cl and We never really talked at all. Now, a few weeks ago i was talking to one of her friends and then she came up to us and started talking to her friend. Once she was done I started talking with her but it was very brief because we had to go to different cles to take our midterms. Now just today, I finally got the courage to go up to her in the hallway (we were the only ones around) and this is what I said: "Hey Amelia?" "Yea?" "Honestly,... I miss you and I was wondering if you wanted to catch up 9th period." (After I said this, she laughed for half a second and smiled and then said:) " I can't today because I have to go to review cl for math" Then, we both said almost at the same time, "Maybe another time?" We both agreed and then we kind of both went on our way to our next cles. Just for the record she is the kind of girl that has 100 in every cl but she is really pretty too but not very popular. What do you think she meant by the laugh? Was she making fun of me? Was she in shock? Was she not expecting it? Please Explain. Also, What would be a good follow up for his next time I see her in cl tomorrow?

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