Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why is H a consonant?

I think it is a little out of place with the rest of the consonants. Not to say it would be all cozy with the vowels. What gives?

What crochet stitch is this?

Are you sure this is crochet because this is how knitted fisherman's rib would look. Fisherman's rib looks the same on both sides.

How do you rate Sri Lanka's Sheer pathetic performance yesterday?

I will rate it as poor performance. Same team made 400 runs in first inning. In second inning 82 runs. It clearly shows that they failed to handle their nerves in pressure. I will not say it was shameful cricket because all bad things happened only in second innings. Everything was sweet and normal till first innings. But when Sri lankan team got a target of time to stand on crease they collapsed like cards. I will include it in standard of international cricket but weak international cricket. It happens(but rarely)

How can NY vote and p on a law similar to California's proposition 13?

I don't think that New York has an initiative petition process, so you'll have to go through the state legislature.

I am on my CD 24 can I take a hpt now and will it be accurately?

Technically if you have an early pregnancy detection HPT you can test now. However, the chances are still pretty high that you wouldn't get an accurate reading. Best of Luck

Theological Thrillers?

I have just finished reading Paul Maier's "A Skeleton in God's Closet." It was excellent! I really enjoy a good thriller/mystery book and was completely unaware that there was an entire genre dedicated to the "theological thriller." Obviously, "The Da Vinci Code" would be a book that would fit well into this category....does anyone have other suggestions? I'm excited to hit my public library ASAP!

It just doesnt make any sense, every election....?

For all their talk of “change,” neither major political party as presently constituted challenges the status quo in any serious way. Neither treats the Constitution with anything but contempt. Neither offers any kind of change in monetary policy. Neither wants to make the reductions in government that our crushing debt burden demands. Neither talks about bringing American troops home not just from Iraq but from around the world. Our country is going bankrupt, and none of these sensible proposals are even on the table.

How can I get my friend back? Please help!?

Well, I have had quite a jumble with my friends as well before. So, really all you need to do is to talk to her am I correct? Well, try talking to her in person. And, be PERSISTENT! And, do not care if she is with any other friends, because if they don't like you, if you talk to 'Fin' and smooth things out, it won't matter what her other friends think. And, don't care about what everybody else thinks about you! If you are feeling unhappy, then fix the problem. Be confident in yourself and be confident that you can get your friend back. You are probably a good friend. And, try not to switch from friend to friend, just keep being friends with whoever you want. And, you can tell who is your real friend or not if they can accept who you hang out with. If your other friends won't like you for liking somebody else, they obviously are not your true friends. A TRUE friend is ALWAYS there for you no matter what! And also explain things to Bert if you must. I REALLY hope I helped. Sorry if i didn't and i hope I did not offend you in any way. Thank you.

When is Canada going to make nuclear weapons?

Time to put all that uranium to use. Times will change.. resources are running out! Diplomatic relations will mean nothing! Mother Russia wants the arctic and when USA runs out they'll attack Canada. We need to place nukes all over the arctic! We need SOMETHING to deter an invasion of Canada and it sure as hell isn't going to be our all mighty and powerful military that was robbed dry by our communist PMs during the cold war like Trudeau.

Malaysian Visa?

Since it seems to be complicated, give a ring to the Malaysian Consulate before you leave. They are in the best position to help you. With Malaysia, things can change within the hour ! So, you can blame them if you have problems despite following their advices !

So whats the difference between an OXYMORON and a PARADOX?

paradox such as the time traveler paradox- one cannot kill his grandmother in the past because if he did so his mother would not be born and so on. oxymoron biggie smalls, fatboy slim. the way i see it a paradox differs from an oxymoron in the fashion that its not literally contradictory but it asks questions that only receives questions so its never truly answered.

Hi . i am paresh. i m completing ME -mechanical.I am intrested to start my own business related to CAD/CAM/CAE

field.what i should or from where i should start this is not gettinh.does any expertie can kindly tell me.

Does Puck's name from a Midsummer Night's Dream have any significance?

My teacher said that the word Puck used to be similar to the this true? Does his name have any other meaning or symbolic nature? Thanks.

Is it a big deal if the vtec smokes?

My buddie has a 97 Honda Prelude with a vtec engine swap. He told me the old engine (which was also vtec) was fine but there was something wrong with the compression. So he sent off the old one, had it fixed, and meanwhile put in a new vtec engine. But now with this engine, he says when the vtec kicks in the vtec smokes. When it idols the car is fine. The car could set there til the battery died idoling and it wouldn't smoke but when you rev the car up and the vtec hits that when it smokes. I'm not sure what that means but he wants to sell me the car and he says I get both engines. So my question is is it a big deal if the vtec smokes. Is it an easy fix. I'm thinking it could be the gasket. Maybe it needs a new head. I'm not sure. Ideas on how to fix it, or is it worth the buy.

What do you think about Kelly Clarkson's new song?

i don't like it & i don't like my life would suck without you either. i liked her older music though.

Myspace help with picture pleaseeeeeee help.?

i wanna put a picture on my profile page but i also wnat it to be the link to get to my photos. anyone got a code?

Where to buy colorful skirts?

forever 21 and charotte russe have a bunch of cute stuff... my name on polyvore is littlegino156 look at my sets i have cute skirts and dresses :)

From where to buy a FIFA 2011 serial number?

I would like to buy another serial number to install the game on my friends computers. Is it possible to buy the SN only maybe it is cheaper than the original?

Looking for a laptop for college.?

I just bought a MacBook because every pc I have ever had always gets so many viruses on them. Also for pictures and graphics Mac's are what they use in the colleges. It might take a little while to get used to it but its really a great computer. Also downloads are easy to do. There isn't a huge set up process either, Good Luck in College and finding a Laptop...

New investors in Georgia looking for startup lending. Credit score low.?

I and two other investors have become an LLC. We are looking to purchase, rehab and rent out properties to create a great real estate portfolio and branch out seperately at a latter date after securing residual income. We need some advice on how to begin the loan process and getting the ball rolling now that we have become a limited liability company. All of us have good jobs and 2 have credit scores above 600 and 700. The other partner's credit is below 500. How do we approach a lender with the credit issues. Thanks!

8years of marriage & partner only sees me as a thing?

we get on fab, are close, have a laugh and do get along. I ask for romance, & clearly he thinks is the answer. Ive told him how i feel, but dus'nt sink in to him. what can i do??

Would you follow a sect founded by people such as these?

Same song, different verse. Paul and Jesus both prophesied the second coming would happen within a generation.

What does my dream mean?

a few nights ago I had a dream that I was at home making fish for my pet cats. in the dream I gave them the fish on a plate, they all went to the plate and they started to eat it, then while I was in the kitchen I heard the window shatter in the dining room. I went into the dining room and I seen that santa claus broke in my house, he was trying to steal my stuff and he has his hos with him. then his hos went in the kitchen and started to lick each cats . then santa claus did a loud fart that made my whole house shake and blow my house down. then he took me in his sleigh to France and then I got stuck on an airplace with dancing French fries.

I'm writing music for a symphonic metal band. What do you think of my lyrics so far?

great, but I think that maybe it would have been nicer if you would have split them into ya know like chorus and verse and bridge and pre choruses and interlude and all of those things but other than that it is very deep and that is what will score the ladies!!!!

What are some ways to check if a is good when it's already out of the vehicle.?

I'm buying a 700r4 out of an Astro Van for my firebird. One thing, I don't really know if there is a dif in the based on what vehicle it's in, the firebird also has a 700r4, the is already out of the van, what are some ways to tell if it's good?

Driver's Permit in NYS for adopted minor?

I'm 16 and am planning on going to take my permit test within the next week or so. I was looking at the forms that I have to bring, and in order to prove my date of birth, I have to bring in a US or US territory birth certificate. The thing is, I'm adopted from Colombia and that's where my birth certificate is from. I have my naturalization and citizenship papers, but is there anything else I should do? Will my Colombian birth certificate be okay?

Are there any home remedies for removing tartar build-up from teeth?

I brush everyday, twice a day, but I have a horrible build-up of tarter on my bottom front teeth. Anything I can do to get rid of it?

I need a one person acting script for a 9 year old girl?

i need a printable script for a 9 year old because she is going to go an acting appointment and she needs to practice. please give me a link

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where's a good spot to put the fu dog tattoo?

I'm just wondering if the forearm is a good place to put the fu/foo dog tattoo on. or any suggestions for a good forearm tattoo?

Bilogy help???

genetics can be a major pain, but if you try thinking of it as a puzzle to be solved, maybe it will be easier. I always find that drawing out diagrams of these sorts of crosses makes it easier to figure out, but you'll find a method that works for you. It would help to work with other people on this sort of thing, as everybody sees things a bit differently and has different insights. Don't forget your TA (if you have one), or the instructor (if you don't). That's their job - to help you understand the material. Please don't feel shy about asking questions; shoot, that's why most of us enjoy teaching anyway - answering questions and seeing the light bulb go on is a huge ego boost...

A question about probability?

correct that is an poisson distribution, you may have gotten 0.905 because you placed the wrong math probability in the wrong order correct the answer is 0.92 or 0.917

Can you be so sad your heart litteraly aches?

It has been proven that the state of mind affects physical health, it is all interconnected. And yes I have experienced it first hand.....

Is lity a choice?

I cannot imagine anyone choosing to be gay, where your chances of being ridiculed, put down, ostracized, murdered and shunned go way up.

Replacing damper pulley on 1990 Ford Probe?

This is proving to be a job indeed: Does anyone have experience with this particular aspect of my current project, or better yet know of a reference source which may enlighten me as to the proper method of extracting the puley without having to elevate the motor off of the mounts. Any website or point of reference would be appreciated.

My brothers and sisters in Christ: How many of you believe in both Creation and Evolution?

If not then why as well? Thank you for your answers in advance. God bless you all with love in Christ. Amen.

Why do people talk like this?

I agree with you completely, The schools are falling down on the job of educating our young people. There is no excuse for anyone being ped from grade to grade that cannot read and write. Reading is a fundamental of life. I can't imagine not being able to read. Just think how restricting and limiting it would be on your life.

How can i get to know/attract/start talking to this girl?

She is kind of shy but she dosnt dress very shy, she definitely shows what shes got, shes not a total slut though. I know she dosnt have a boyfriend and shes not very cool, but shes not a loser. I think shes absolutely goregeous, and i really want to talk to her or something, Please help me out, i really want a girlfriend or even a friend thats a girl. FOr some reason i am really shy at school, my mother was the exact same way, maybe somehting hereditary, idk

Did pacsun trademark the name "nollie"?

cuz i waned to change my name to nollie. but i did not know if it was a real name, though........ so is it?

Blackberry windows live?

i have a pearl and installed the windows live messenger on my phone. I was wondering if it I send IMs on there, does it cost as a text message? I know that the OZ Messenger counts an IM as a text message.

Adjusting intonation on Guitar doesn't work?

Check your neck. It's likely your neck is pulling forwards or twisting. It probably needs adjustment. Then redo the intonation.

What do you do when???

You have a friend who is kind of a bigot, and he thinks he has the best of everything an thinks he "thinks" he is right about everything..... and please don't say don't be friends w/ him !!

I downloaded the test version of Adobe Pagemaker and I need to change the files to PDF's.Help!! :)?

The test version apparently doesn't have the files need to make the change to PDF. It needs Adobe acrobat distill, adobe acrobat distill PPD file, the Adobe post script printer drive and the Acrobat reader. If I just download these are they compatible then? Are there any other options? What do I do??

How can I tell my girlfriend that I have been cheating on her with her sister who is also my sister-in-law bec?

because she is also married to my brother who left his first wife for her and now his first wife married my other brother who is a preacher and he hasn't a clue. I don't want everyone to know. I need some hekp on this. P.S. wee all live in the same trailer park and it's very hard to keep it a secret and if I don't tell her, then someone else might amd that would break her heart if she heard it from a different source. Any help, please.

Ok what do you guys think of this benoit conspiracy be honest and read the detail thing please?

ok picture if benoit had found somrthing out about vince andvince hired a hitman to kill benoit be cause the time of the death's wereto far apart and the steroid rage would have been done and he wouldnt have harmed his son. than theres this new finding that on wikipedia it said 14 hours earlier that benoits wife died and the change came from the same place were the wwe office is located. and think about thisin the recent years owen hart has died eddie guerrero has died and the british bulldog all ties to the hart foundation and bret hart. and one day after vince rushed to look sad and maybe that was just a cover to throw them of the trail and also the bibles by the body's made it look liek a benoit crazy religiouse act...... k give me your thoughts on this k

Should I tell my boyfriend?

This is for someone who wont get bored reading it!!:) A while back in like December, I started going out with a friend of mine. Still before I started going out with him there was this other guy that wanted to rekindle our relationship from before. I was pretty set on my current boyfriend though so I kind of blew the other one off. When I went on winter vacation, I talked to my ex all the time. He always jokingly reminded me that I sucked for being with this other guy. My ex and I decided to hang out one day during break, and I couldn't stop looking at him or thinking about him. It took all my power not to kiss him. I would never cheat, not ever, but I was so drawn in by this guy. Before he left he kissed me on the forehead and said that was all he could give me. Fair enough, it made things easier. A week later I broke up with my boyfriend for this guy. He wanted to wait till he saw me to make things official, but after new years he told me he couldn't take it and asked me over the phone. I quickly fell in love witht him. I know that sounds dumb, but I was head over heels for him. Days after our ONE MONTH anniversary.....I had with him. It was kind of my idea, well he brought it up, but I started everything. I absolutely do not regret it. About a month later, he told me he got wasted at a party and cheated on me. Not an innocent kiss or a mistakenmake outt, but . I told him we could get through it, and I still loved him, I just said wecouldn'tt have anymore. (Note this:Ididn'tt just meet him, I had been trying to be with him for 7 months prior to the events :) Im not a tramp.ha haa) Well Icouldn'tt reallyhandlet it so I broke up with him... Days later we got back together. A million little things led up to final breakup, me breaking up with him because he lied to me about a girl on Facebook. He told me she was just a friend, but the day I made the breakup official he started going out with that same girl. Its been a few weeks since we ended us, but a week since its been official. Idon'tt talk to him anymore, or I just havent talked to him. Im back with the guy I left for him. He makes me so rediculously happy and I really like him. Im still very in love with my ex, but I know I have to get over things. Its been bothering me lately that I should tell my boyfriend I had . I dont know why. My friend said she wouldnt but its weird not telling him. He means a lot to me. Hes older than me to, and hes still a virgin. I feel really bad that I havent told him. I dont regret doing it I just want to be honest with him. Should I tell him or wait for him to ask? Also, other people know Im not a virgin, but they arent threats so they wont tell him.

Autocad new one?

ive used autocad for years... and trust me... its not for designing cars.. you can try... but it wont look good... at least not in 3d... you'd have better luck using auto desk inventor... its and amazing program for 3d project... you can design an entire car transmission with ez on it.. but agian not what you wana use if you want a high quality look to your 3d image

FIRST TRAVELING/BACKPACKING!!!WHERE TO GO????????????????????????????…

if you are willing to go to Thailand, there are lots of party islands in the south. I'm not a party person so can't recommend, but check on Lonely Planet and Rough Guides ...

Can someone help me find these stickers?

I got my hersey stickers from this website they have so many rose stickers available. I already ordered they are so cute. There so many different kind to pick from there all so wonderful. Hope it helps. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a The stickers are sold with the kisses. Do you have a picture of the sticker she used? It would be easier to match.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How much did you buy your UGG boots?

i get mine from Nordstroms (its a department store, incase you havent heard of it) i paid the regular price i believe $120, ive gotten a new pair every year for about 5 years and the price never really changed

I have a question (girls only) is this normal?

I don't know if its normal for us girls to have bumps inside your hoo bf fingered me and said that he felt like some sord of bumps we don't know if its normal..maybe its my gpot or idk..can you girls help me know if its normal?

Im from iran and love egyption accent,,i know arabic litrature,,but want learn egyption,,any one can help me?

im a pharmacist from iran realy i love egyption accent,,since we study arabic in our high school and school i know most arabic litature,then i know most word and verb and even sarf and nahv well, but egyption accent is realy lyric for me and hard to undrestand,,im interst to learn it,,is there some egyption could help me,,im smart student,,learning will not broing bec i know most arabic litrature,, even i could in return learn farsi to whom teach me

Is anyone going to Czech Republic next year (with AFS)?

Well, August next year I'm going to Czech Republic, and it would be nice to meet people in the same situation ^^

Determine percent by m?

You should determine the molecular weight of sulfuric acid first. Use the values in your textbook to determine this. I got 98.07848 g/mol. Since you have 1.49 M solution of sulfuric acid, this means 1.49 mols/L of solution. Knowing this, you can multiply 1.49 by 98.07848 to give 146.137 g of acid/L of water. Its usually umed that 1 L of water = 1kg, so divide by 1000g ( you want the same units) to give you 0.146. Multiply this by 100%, and you have 14.6% sulfuric acid by m.

Where can I find something to keep mobiles, pda's etc tidy while they're charging ?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do christians believe that faith in a fictitious person will save them from hellfire / eternal damnation?

They have the illusion that they will not go to hell as long as they put their faith in some guy who was presumably d and murdered by ancient jews.

Can anyone tell me of any traditional universities in the UK that offer distance learning courses ?

If so, I would be interested in finding out who they are, as I am wanting to do a degree via distance learning, and I am very wary of using correspondence schools and their possible lack of accreditation as this may make my qualification worthless. Many thanks for any replies :-)

Where can I get free jazz trio sheet music?

I'm looking for sheet music for a jazz trio with Trumpet (or any other solo instrument), B, and Drums. Can anyone suggest a website I can download the music from or names of pieces?

Help? Teasing Prob?

Me Ex- B/f'z Ex G/f (still friends) She Keeps Teasing Me, To The Point I Wanna Cry. Like Today I Was Walking, She And Her Friends Start Pointing At Me And Saying "Ewww! It The "It"! Eww! It Would Be Better If U Werent Here! Eww Im Going Blind!" I Basically Try To Ignore It.....But I Cried As Soon As I Got To The Bathroom. Luckily Tomorrow Ish The Last Day Of School, So No Cles, We R Having A Big Party With Everyone. So My Mom Ish Gonna Bring Stuff.......So The Girl Cant Mess With Me Then.....But When Me Mom Leaves Im Freaked Shes Gonna Do It, And I Cant Stand It! HELP!

What is the fairness act? And why do some say it isn't fair at all?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think it will ever be humanly possible to bend time and space,and enhance interplanetary exploration?

What you have to understand is that bending time is nothing more then a figment of ones imagination that can rejuvenate the very thing that scholars call "interplanetary exploration" Confused yet? I sure am

What are some ideas for an english research project about Aztecs?

My teacher said it couldn't be a plain just typed out report or a power point. I'm out of ideas and i really need one!! HELP!!

Why are USA troops killing innocent Iraqis?

Don't you know who is their supreme leader and commander in chief is? Blood thirsty criminal George Bush. Over one (1) million of Iraqi civilians including women and children were killed since US illegally invaded Iraq.Take a look at this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I slept with a girl twice and now she is acting weird. Any advice?

There is this girl that I have liked for a few months. It seemed like I was finally getting my chance after hanging around for awhile. We went to a late movie the other night and talked in my car until 5 am after. The next night she came over and we watched a movie at my place and she eventually stayed the night (it was somewhat expected) and we slept together. We messed around throughout the night, but didnt have . All in all, it was a great night for us both. The next day she asked me about telling my friends and she said she would tell her best friend when she got in town so she could see her reaction. Later that night she asked me to her place to watch a movie and I ended up staying the night (somewhat unexpectedly I thought) and we didnt do anything but kiss in the morning for maybe a few seconds. As I left she told me to text her later and I did around midnight. She was really short with me, like really short. She said she was in a "bleh mood and just really tired" and she hasnt texted me at all today. She is always texting so I don't know what to think. I feel like something is wrong but I'm not sure what. Any advice?

Where to start on the Avalon book series?

In what order should I read the books in the Avalon (Marion Zimmer Bradley) series? Including the later books by Diana Paxson.

What is this situation?????????i dont get it??

for me you should control your feeling..he is a guy who is two side.if he said he likes you and then said likes your bff what that for? if i where you ignore him.if he really likes you he will make a way to get that way you make yourself respectful..there are a lot of still too young to enter that.just concentrate to your studies first..God be with you..

This is for anyone. Free will??

Ok, this is for my final in a philosophy cl, but I am interested in what others think..... Do we really have free will? Personally, I think there are some things we do not choose, such as who our parents and siblings are and what not. But do you believe in destiny? I mean really, if there was such a thing, did God create an imperfect being on purpose? If He knew us before we were born, does He know who will be saved or damned? Did He know that Adam and Eve would be decieved and eat from the tree? Thoughts? Opinions?

Are Wrestling Fans Smart Enough too...?

Sure we can. But we don't want to humiliate you. The answer to your question, Which should have been the only question is yes.

How well do you play scrabble?

yup waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… tooo much time on their hands probably works for the Canadian government(oh s**t ) my local MP

Dating a guy, is he too shy,3 dates?

Ive been dating or going on dates with a guy for over a month now. He is a really genuine,nice, guy. I really like him. He asked me when the right moment to be official would be, i said lets take things slow. His family has met mine and they get along well. The thing is do you think he will ask me out? By the way he hasnt kissed me yet!

Turn Down Exhaust Tip?

Cut them off with a reciprocating saw (or hack saw) before the area where they turn down and put on the new tips.

New Fifa rankings?

The rankings are meaningless. Brazil and Argentina had no chance of winning the Euros. Anyone who thinks Italy are the 2nd best team in the world after their Euro display must be brain dead.

How many times was Robert Palmer married and how many children did he have?

Robert Palmer had been married twice. He first marriage was in 1972 to model Shelly Putnam, resulting in the birth of three children born in 1972, 1973, and 1976. They divorced in 1978. Robert Palmer remarried in 1979 to Susan Eileen Thatcher, resulting in the birth of two children, born in 1979 and 1980. They divorced in 1999. The grown Palmer children's names are Anna, Anthony, James, Jane and Martin.

How long should you wait to tell a woman you're dating that you?

have lost about half or most of your ,obviously you cant just tell her on the first date, due to the humiliation of the situation, it is one of those things you don't want everyone to know, but on the other hand it wouldn't be right to wait until the wedding or more than a year either. About how long would be best, so she would know what she is getting into?

Does this PC build have compatable components? I.e. do the parts integrate well??

Only problem is the graphics card, the minimum requiremnt of power rated from Nvidia for this cardi s 450W. Your right on the dot, may I suggest atleast 500+?

If I have co-signed on student loans and the student defaults, do they come after me or maybe another parent?

If one parent has co-signed on a student loan, then couple divorces, are both parents liable for the debt if the student defaults or is the co-signer screwed?

At the conclusion of mitosis, each daughter cell has __?

Sam is correct. Unfortunately the other two respondents are also correct. Questions about mitosis and meiosis are the most frequently flawed questions i see on yahoo. Before mitosis occurs the cell will double its DNA content to prepare for division. It will also increase its cytoplasm content prior to division. After division the cytoplasm must be split in half. The function of mitosis is to create two identical daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell. This does not mean that the same amount of DNA was present in the parent cells and daughter cells. Genetically identical means that they contain the same information, it does not refer to the number of DNA molecules present. So yes, b is correct, the daughter cells must be genetically identical to the parent cells. Unfortunately, "a" must also be correct. If the parent cell did not have twice the DNA content the daughter could not be identical to the parent cell. A chromosome is a chromosome regardless of the number of chromatids it consists of. The number of chromatids present on a chromosome indicate the DNA content, which is halved at the end of mitosis. If you're only allowed 1 answer I would choose B. B must be correct. Often cytokinesis is not considered a part of mitosis, meaning that the division of cytoplasm is not actually part of mitosis. This could discount choice "a", but that's tricky if your teacher/prof was testing you on that, that's just semantics. hope this made sense.

How come everyone think MJ is the greatest player of all time?

in my opinion, Wilt Chamberlain is the best of the best. if u think MJ is the greatest, try to score 100 points in a game , average 50 points a season, or just to grab 50 rebound in a game. the chance for MJ to complete the first two task it is around %5, the last one is a big fat *** %0

Is this Graphic Card good enough for sims 3?

BUY A BETTER GRAPHIC CARD!! Game graphics get more complicated every day. If you buy the minimum today, you'll be sorry tomorrow when the next game comes out. If you're a serious (or even kind of serious) gamer, buy the best you can afford. You won't be sorry!

Bubble eyed betta?

I am not at all a fan of the Tetra medications (all three of them). The only one that would even be worth while for the bacterial infection that is pop eye would be General Tonic, and even that would be far less effective than something like tetracycline (Maracyn TC, TC Capsules) or eryhtromycin + minocycline (Maracyn + Maracyn 2). During treatment, remove any activated carbon from the filter. If treating with tetracycline or minocycline based medications, keep the tank dark, as these drugs degrade with exposure to light, making them more toxic to both the bacteria and the fish.

Can teenagers get lung cancer?

4 weeks ago i got a bad case of bronchitis,. it got better so i thought but the cough never went away, lately iv started coughing up blood occasionally too when i cough, my chest is also feeling really tight all the time and i feel really short of breath a lot; iv booked a doctors appointment for later this week however my friend said it could be some sort of lung cancer?? could it be?? :/

Intelligence is always in the rule of nature except in humankind. Is the logical intellect the demon?

Never saw a stupid animal. Life in its intrinsic nature is intelligent. Only man can become unintelligent. Intellect searches outward to find answers to the whole. Intelligence explores inward to rediscover it.

Saula ??????????????

hey i was wondering in paula and simon was a thing. he is always putting his arm around her, all there pics are like couple pics, they kiss each other all the time, tell secrets, paula giggles, and they hate each other??? HELP?? i have a bet with my mom that they r a couple or once were a couple. she thinks not. p.s. simon also stated that he would do a sequal to the kissing scene with paula.

Do you think that the business relationships between military ysts and the Pentagon is or is not...?

a conflict of interest? How does Barstow's discovery of this relationship affect your trust of the media?

Strange for An American to Admire Arab Culture?

I think it's a bit rare among Americans in general, but you could consider this a golden opportunity! You'll learn and be enlightened about a lot of things that most Americans hardly ever look into. If you continue to learn more on your own or from actual Arabs, you can help others understand any misconceptions they have. The Arab culture is definitely worth learning about because it encompes not just one country but many. Good luck.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How do you make a very basic quilt?

I'm wanting to make a quilt out of all of my old shirts that I never wear (they're also shirts that donating them would be no good. Like, old sports ones and stuff that the Good Will would throw out.) Anyway! I'm not even really looking for a pattern. Just sewing together squares. How do I do so? Thanks!

Which one of the following commercials do you find most annoying?

Sally Field. And no I am not fond of her. It must be the longest commercial on record. I'd prefer watching paint dry. It's a lot quieter. There comes a time when we quit pretending we're four and a half.

Does the "trickle down" theory REALLY work?

Compare the economy of Michigan with the economy of Texas. Michigan has increased regulation and raised taxes and has lost 318000 jobs since 2000, Texas has fewer taxes and less regulation and has gained 1.7 million new jobs in the sames period. Additionally per-capita income has increased by twice as much in Texas as in Michigan. As you can see taxes affect behavior. If we cut corporate tax rates in the US and reduced govt involvement in the Economy we would all be better off.

Why do atheist say...?

Believing in God is like believing in Santa. But have you not heard of Nikolaos of Bari A.K.A Saint Nick/Santa Claus. And he lives on! (memories of men that is)

Is it me or is this really pg even for wwe standerds?

there was a match mickie james was commenting on and jerry the king lawler thought she called alcia fox a dog and when he questioned her she said no thats just meen what the hell wwe

Does anyone know where i can get a pygmy goat for free or for really cheap near areas of shelton, olympia WA?

looking for little baby pygmy goats that i can bottle feed for my son and one for my mother in law. she use to have some but doesnt anymore and would like to have one again and my son loves little animals and i think he would enjoy having one around, he is only 19 months and great with animals. like i said i would like to be able to bottle feed it too.

Whats the deal with non-circulation currency?

I see so many adds on TV for "Limited edition, non-circulation" coinage or likewise... Who is making the money? Whats the draw for making the money? Is it as collectible and such a valuable investment as they say? and finally... can I melt the coins down for the metals, given that the infomercial isn't bull.


Well i too got the same offer today. I think we should call the guy mentioned in the Add , Mr Johnson and see if this mail is spam or not. Cos these days I am getting one too many offers like these. I got one from Metro Hotel , New York.But that did not exist. Hope this s not the same way and that it is a valid offer

I need help with writing a space brochure?

ok in school i need to write a space brochure that will make you want to take a vacation to Saturn (use ur imagination)pretend there is air too.

Affordable gift ideas for a Jewish family?

I nice hand decorated gift box filled with candy, they have plain boxes you can purchase and decorate with Hanukkah stickers. Well done for being so kind, many people don't consider this and I've seen family members get ornaments- for what the Hanukkah

What is that mean...?

I'm uming it means the recommended amount per day. For example, 90-2000mg L-ascorbate per day is the recommended intake.

Can my father take out a consolidation loan for me?

I am currently unemployed with 3 credit cards, and my father is willing to cosign a loan for me. I guess my question is do I apply for the loan with him as a co-signer or can he apply for the loan on my behalf? Also we live in Canada, and he has a very good credit score, mine is not terrible but without a job it doesn't matter to much........

Do you like this poem that I wrote ages ago?

I think this is very promising. If I had this I would go over it a few more times, because I think it is worthwhile to do. I think you should write poetry again.

Upgrading laptop?

sounds like a software conflict to me. I'd uninstall unused programs, clear the start menu to kill programs running in the background, do the desktop cleanup wizard, and as a last resort reinstall windows, before blowing money on upgrades you may not even need.

What is people's problems with brand names (like Holister, Abercrombie & Fitch and American Eagle)?

It's because its not unique to wear something from those stores, everything has the same colors and its all the same idea there is nothing special about each piece of clothing. People want to dress with there own style not the standard look of many different brands.

Do you want to buy my 2000 Chrysler 300m?

99K miles, excellent shape, I've babied the car. Inferno red exterior treated with Zaino show car polish, beige interior. Loaded, comes with Sirius radio with about 9 months left on the subscription. Phoenix area, asking $7,000, I'll listen to reasonable offers. email if interested.

Do you enjoy going to pow wows? If so, what's your favorite part?

Yeah, I go whenever I can,usually just once a year here, I like the whole thing, I enjoy talking with the crafters and looking at their goods. The pan bread is always awesome. But mostly I like being with my people,it feels like i'm home.

Merrill Lynch CEO Thain asking 10M bonus for 2008 Is this fair? ?

And the liberal Dems just gave the banks money. Now they are being unreasonable with the auto industry demanding everything from the company.

My girlfreind cant spend much time with me?

well i think you should just tell her that u would always love her and tell her to just give her best shot! this is the best time u cn show her how much u love her..! just try to give her confidence and the interest in softball coz afterall she has to play it..! good luck:)

Has anyone been to Barbizon modeling/acting school with a 4 year old? Are they a rip off, or real?

i went to barbizon when i was 14. it was fun but i never went on to do anything else. They don't guarantee jobs and you have to pay to get the professional photos done in order to make a portfolio before you can be considered for any jobs. Now i'm sure the cles are different at that age but what i did in my cles(hair, make-up, practiced walking on the runway) aren't really something for a four year old.

Am i to blame? my wife is constantly questioning what I do. I am thinking divorce is next.?

my wife on more than occasion has questioned my actions, it seems that whenver I do something she finds inconsiderate, she makes a big deal out of it. Recently, we had gone to a insurance office to buy auto insurance, the office had several attractive ladies working there. We had my granddaughter with us, and when we sat down, my granddaughter sat next to my wife, so, I sat in the chair behind my wife. The insurance was for her only. After we left, she accused me of sitting behind her so I could check out the other women. I honestly had no motive for sitting there. Well,, earlier this week, I went in to make a change to the policy. She was busy and asked me to do it. I was in the area, so I just stopped in. She had a fit and said that I know how uncomfortable she feels with me being in that office. We are a couple in our mid 40's, and I have never given her a reason not to trust me. We have been married 11 months, and this is like the 4th time she accuses me in the same manner. Once, there was an injured woman on the side of the road with cops and ambulance there, I got blamed for stopping to check it out. She said if it would have been a guy, I wouldn't have stopped, thats not true. My question, I don't think we are going to make it, am I being unreasonable to want to divorce?

Is the judge Judy show REAL?

In the fine print at the end of the show it says: "monetary awards are paid by a fund maintained by the producer" Does this mean that when someone wins a court case and the other person owes them money, that the SHOW pays it?

A dream about a girl hanging out with me but it wasnt wat it seemed?

i had a dream that i was hanging out with a girl that i knew, it was very platonic , but she asked to hang out again at the same spot, so in the dream i went there the next day and couldnt find her, i asked her friend, and she said "i asked her to hang out with you because i felt sorry for you" in the dream i laughed and walked away, but i felt sad dissapointed, what can this mean?

How do I ask my mom to be in her best behavior without hurting her feelings?


Hai friends am looking for suitable job can anyone suggest me a job?

i have completed 2009,can anyone suggest me ry8 job i have two years of exp in admin and one year for HR.But I worked in an doesnt givre me ny exposure. i tried for top companys they looking for 1stcl mark degree level.but am averag student.can any one suggest me some ideas to work at home aswell as office work...pls if any requirement kindly suggest me frynds.

Is it better in baseball to have a low G/F ratio, or is it better for a high ratio?

it really depends what type of pitcher you are if u cause alot of ground it can be good u could cause many double plays to be turned. for a fly ball pitcher its just easier because only one person needs to make the play and there is less room for error.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Free way to hypnotize someone w/o them knowing tey are being hypnotized?

Why would you want to do that? What an invasion of privacy, for someone to hypnotize you while you're do with you as they like afterwards....*shakes head*

GIRLS: What Do You Think?

Alright so a little back story: Last Year, My freshman year of high school, I liked a girl in my math cl. We became work partners and really enjoyed talking to each other and flirting and I can confidently say she liked me. But, I never told her how I really felt about her because I was to shy. This Year she is in my Spanish cl and We never really talked at all. Now, a few weeks ago i was talking to one of her friends and then she came up to us and started talking to her friend. Once she was done I started talking with her but it was very brief because we had to go to different cles to take our midterms. Now just today, I finally got the courage to go up to her in the hallway (we were the only ones around) and this is what I said: "Hey Amelia?" "Yea?" "Honestly,... I miss you and I was wondering if you wanted to catch up 9th period." (After I said this, she laughed for half a second and smiled and then said:) " I can't today because I have to go to review cl for math" Then, we both said almost at the same time, "Maybe another time?" We both agreed and then we kind of both went on our way to our next cles. Just for the record she is the kind of girl that has 100 in every cl but she is really pretty too but not very popular. What do you think she meant by the laugh? Was she making fun of me? Was she in shock? Was she not expecting it? Please Explain. Also, What would be a good follow up for his next time I see her in cl tomorrow?

Is Hugh Hefner really dead (2011)?

i have heard on facebook that he is dead. is he actually because he has been appeared dead many times. can some one help me!!!!

Know anywhere to get flute trio music?

Anyone know where I can find a flute trio music to super mario brothers, zelda, or kingdom hearts? thanks!

Contesting an estates igned beneficiaries.?

My grandmother left my 60 percent of her trust/estate and my Dad 40 percent. Also 311,00 in the form of Mutual Funds and annuities. There are 4 mutual fund accounts and 3 annuity accounts. She named me primary beneficiary of nearly 240K of the total 311K. My dad is upset and said he wants me to apply the same ration me 60 him 40 on the total igned accounts. As it stands the only thing that has to be split 60/40 is her house and cash in the bank. The stocks are all igned to me except for about 50K. I have two questions, Can he legally contest the stock beneficiaries, and if so, will this delay me getting them in liquid form? He is quilting me into signing a contract outside the will to relinquish monies I get to him to make it fair. I think she did what she did and that's what she wanted. I just don't want to cause a giant delay and court battle if he has a possible argument. He really showed his colors in this process by becoming very visceral.

What should i make for dinner, i dont have any meat thawed?

Oh lovey, you've got a feast there. you could cook some pasta, and have your tinned chicken with it, I usually use rice, but never mind, you could grate your cheese mix with your mashed potatoes, add a bit of flour to firm it up, make small palm sized patties and gently fry in a little er, then spead with er whilst hot, cheezy potato cakes yum yum,or cook some pasta drain it,then add your tuna and a bit of grated cheese, whilst hot Hmm. now can I come round cause I'm hungry.

Should i quite skateboarding?

i dont noe if i shuld stop sk8ing or not im 12 years old i can ollie a 3 set have alot of plroblems with kickflip and shuvit when ever i try 2 shuvit i fell weird to land it and i just cant i get sooooooooo mad.

Can somebody give me a link to an article on the roman pantheon and it's creator Agrippa?

please son't send me a link to national geographic or something like that. also i need a college website on the pantheon and how it was built.

Omg did you see Sweet Sixteen with My Chemical Romance ?!!!! =)?

MTV did a contest online to win your own super sweet sixteen and they would pay for it all. So people made accounts and posted there stores on why they deserved it I think the one you saw was the winner! And she deserved it! Her story is that she got cancer and other illnesses(sorry can't remember specifically) and her family had to pay the huge bills so were struggling and she lost all her hair and has to take like 7 medications a day and just a whole lotta stuff like that! So thais why she got all those great things and they interrupted there tour just for her because she was really deserving of it. They only did that contest once though so if you wanna get on sweet sixteen you have to be major rich and have a huge party and if you do that I think you can like sign up online I'd something. I love that show soooo much!!!!!

Help! Pocahontas costume?

Okay so i'm being Pocahontas for Halloween and i need some help with my costume. I went to this thrift store and got a beige suede skirt, with fringe etc... it's pretty Pocahontas-y but i don't know what to wear for a shirt. Any suggestions?

What kind of technik could this be ?

If we suppose that pictures can be sent in our aura by some technology as from PC or mobile and we receive "vision" by some "sense" from our intellect and we are also skilled to send or destroy on same principle "pictures" /without PC or other technical device/ - so what could this be?

Stupd boy moved on?or has a rebound girl?

Posting it again will not get you any better answers. Quit looking for someone to validate what you want to hear. The truth is he isn't interested in you. He likes the other girl better than you. You need to drop it and move on. The more you carry on this BS the more you will drive yourself crazy(er).

Greg Jennings or Marques Colston week 5?

Greg Jennings is safer - expect about 11-11.5 points out of him as he is quickly becoming Aaron Rodgers' go to guy. Colston had a rib injury and was limited in practice early this week, but he should start. More concerning than the injury is the fact that he's had less than 70 yards in all of his starts, and the entire New Orleans offense has struggled. Brees should put it together fairly soon, so expect Colston to have a breakout game soon, and to be a constant threat. Arizona's defense is weak, especially against the p, so it might be a good time to gamble on Colston, however, Jennings will still have a good game, so go with Jennings.

Have you ever seen a fairy?

When I was little around 9 I saw a fairy in a fig tree outside my grannys house. it had orange wings and it even blinked. no one believes me of course, besides my younger sister who also saw it at the time. So this isn't a joke question for silly answers I just truly wonder if anyone else has. thank you :-)

Which female celebritys give you a vibe?

Tyra Banks. Why? Maybe because I thinks she's hot and I'm jealous when she hugs, kisses or touches other people. xD

What is the commercial with wild, exotic animals on a leash?

And some lady was walking them on the street and kept them in her house. It was for some kinda drink. There were tigers and alligators and some other animals. I wanted to know what the commercial was for and what the song was. Thanks!

Who do I start, (week 11) Greg Jennings or Roy Williams?

Roy Williams is great, but kind of spotty. Greg Jennings is good and consistent. Who do I start week 11?

Anyone else experience a lot of violation emails?

YA is a diverse community with lots of religious groups represented. You can have your beliefs and can express them, but at all times, you must follow the YA rules. When you answer a question, it must be an honest attempt to answer the question posed, you can not just comment based on your beliefs. When you ask a question, it must be knowledge (fact) seeking, not opinion seeking and not just preaching to the mes. You will probably find you would be getting the same violations if you were Buddhist, Hindu, or a Mother Earther.

What is the general will of the population in Iraq are they still for the governement or are they against it?

I remember seeing the news fotage back from 2003 when Iraq was invaded and the country was happy that the country was liberated but then later the situation diterated and now the troops are leaving what general opinion do the people have for the U.S invasion are they happy it happened or do they wish Saddam were still in charge

What's your take on the so called May 21 2011 doomsday prophesy?

well this has been going around for some time now by this old radio guy called Harold Camping.... i wana know what is your take on it. i honestly dont think anything will happen but, im curious to know what you guys think about it?

Why doesn't the left realize that leaving Iraq prematurely, will cause more harm than good?

Do they not see that leaving now will just cause more civil war which will be utter pandemonium. You can expect turkey to move in and annex kurdish territory, syria from the west and iran from the east to do likewise. Whatever happens, oil prices will reach record highs and while you may not want to fight a war over oil, this is over oil and if we lose, the high oil prices will have a toll. High gasoline prices (record highs maybe double), will cause poverty which will cause crime, homelessness, and terror. Leaving could be the catalyst to apocalypse.

H2 + Cl2 ==> 2HCl safety?

The reaction is not spontaneous, so just as with Hydrogen and Oxygen, the gases will aculate until you ignite them somehow, at which point you will get an explosion that produces HCl.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Guys: In the years you are with your s/o, if her bewbies went from something yo would see in...?

indeed i would i did not get with her for her bewbies if she lost them do yo Cancer i would lover her the same

Mske my trampoline bouncier?

how can i make my tramp bouncier i have a 15ft tramp the circle one and the springs that came with it any ideas

Kindly have an in-depth ysis about my personality...?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What reason would a hospital have for keeping a baby for 4 days with these symptoms?

The baby's only symptoms were 102 degree fever and fussiness/not able to sleep. She is one month old. Also, they are running all sorts of tests with her--blood, urine (standard, I know) and they also did a spinal tap. Now, I would like to think that the hospital is just being very very thorough. HOWEVER--my cynical/realistic side is saying, there is something going on here. It's not like the hospital is going to get a bunch of insurance money--the mother (and baby) have a medical card. Anyone else think this is weird?

Does anyone remember a movie where the main character wrote a play as it happened and fell in love with a girl?

the girl dies at the end of the play. I am not sure but think leonardo decaprio was in the movie. Would appreciate any answers!

How do Blue Ray companies turn old low quality movies into high 1080p movies?

Through digital software they can make the larger pixels (low def) and break them down further into smaller pixels (higher def) to sharpen the image. The quality will increase because you have more pixels that hold the color in them.

What's the setlist for the Dirty Work tour w/ All Time Low and Hey Monday?

Gonna see all time low, the summer set, hey Monday, and yellowcard. I'm really stoked to just find out what their gonna be playing!!

Survey: What is your favourite U2 Song?

Have so many really great songs, I wasn't an early fan of theirs but they just kept going and the songs I think are even better today, beautiful day, where the streets have no name, vertigo, and theres another one just can't remember the name of it now, but I know someone from idol sang it when it was country versus country years ago and he sang it so well that I couldn't believe that it wasn't bono singing, what a talent :)

What does this means to you???????????

Excuses are monuments of nothingness. They build bridges to nowhere. Those who use these tools of incompetence, seldom become anything but nothing at all.

Please help :'-( my parakeet baby ped away?

My dads friend found two little parakeets sitting outside one day nd was able to capture one of them. They were very young but able to fend for themselves nd eat seeds. We took him in nd had him for 11 days..... He randomly ped away one morning. I would like to know why. He was soooo happy nd cheerful nd came out to play nd snuggled with us.... My parents said they heard him chirping under the covered cage in the morning.... Around 6 in the morning nd a couple hours later they uncovered the cage only to find him.... Ped away... It kills me inside because I was with him constantly nd he finally got use to us.... Why did he leave us? He was the happiest bird.... He played nd chirped nd there was no sign of sickness.... Please help us find out why our birdie died :'-(

Should i take her back to her old owners?

if you don't feel like you can handle it, take her back. it's sad, but you can't provide for her if you can't provide for her. take her to the vet first about that infection though. you tried, but you sound worn out, and it's not healthy for you to feel this way.

Jehovah's Witnesses: Just what is or was the controversy regarding the church and the United Nations ?

I understand that JW's condemned the UN for decades as destined to oppose God's kingdom, type of the antichrist or something, and that they are being accused by some of being frauds in this because the JW church alledgedly got involved with the UN is some way. Can you give me a clear understanding of what this situation is? What are the accusations and what is the response?

Do I need to see Terminator 1 to understand Terminator 2?

You don't have to, but you may enjoy T2 better. I had seen T2 several times before I ever saw T1 and it was neat seeing the connections between them; but it's not necessary.

Want another baby, but spouse doesn't, had 26 week preemie and I'm a vegan!?

My spouse and I have been together for over 4 years, we had a baby boy 3 1/2 years ago, he was born a preemie and spent 4 months in the hospital. He had many complications, breathing tubes, PDA clip, intestine problems, and almost died in the hospital. He is a healthy toddler now with no problems, so I am wanting another baby badly, but I am also scared that I might have another preemie and have to go through the same things. My old OBGYN told me there are drugs I could take so my chances are low on having another preemie, but I do not want to take anything that may harm my body in the long run. The reason I had a preemie is because I had had an abortion (Please don't judge me, I was addicted to cocaine and alcohol at the time) I was completely clean when I got pregnant with my son, and he was planned, so I did everything to have a safe pregnancy. I have been off drugs for over 5 years and I only drink once or twice a year, like one or two drinks max. I'm in a very stable relationship and we own a house together so it's not like I can get up and leave if he doesn't want to give me another child. I dream about having another child and asked my spouse, but he's afraid of having another preemie and what we went through. He is also worried that this is not the right time to bring a child in this world with the whole Obama Socialism stuff going on :( So I'm stuck, I want a sibling for my son and he is against it. I love him and would never leave him over this, so I'm really just looking for your opinions and is it possible to have a healthy pregnancy.There's also another part to this, I have began a Vegan diet as of Feb of this year, so is it safe to be pregnant on a vegan based diet?

What Was The Best Night Of Champions Match?

In your opinion? My vote goes to Matt Hardy Vs Shelton Benjamin For The United States Championship An Extremely Underrated match

Out of ONLY these 5 people, whom would you choose to be president of the United States of America?

Anderson Baldwin Carter Choate Clemente Gonzalez Gravel Kaptur Kucinich McKinney Nader Paul Perot Sheehan Ventura

ASUS Rampage Extreme LGA 775 Intel X48 ATX Intel Motherboard?

This motherboard has 2 PCI-E 2.0 but it doesn't support SLI, does this mean that it supports Crossfire ???

Someone made a fake account under my name awhile back, what can I do?

Wow she seems weird and mental..i looked at her yahoo answer profile and i see anyone can email her..if i was you i make a fake profile pretending you were a dude or something and get to know this person ..then you can say oh i see you have another profile and ask why that is..get into her mind by pretending to be someone else then you will find out why this crazy chick is doing this

How can I change my daughter's diaper in public, she's disabled?

let me start with Im so sorry. Life sometimes isn't fair. But to answer your question. I have an 11 year old grand-daughter who was born with spinal bifita. And she has zero feeling of her lower body and no control over her bladder and bowels. So her mom takes a light weight rolled mattress pad where ever they go. Using a public bathroom can be challenging, especailly if it has more than one toilet. So ask a worker to please, make sure no one enters into the bath room while you are cleaning up your daughter.

My physics teacher is a psychopath who makes inappropriate comments?!?!?

wow an 8th grade teacher said that... tell your friends to watch out that may turn out to be a pedophile... wow... i kinda expect that from a high school student but a teacher...

I need to find some cool invitations for my daughter's sweet 16 halloween party?

I would like to find some free printable invitations for her party. She's having a Jack and Sally cake. Any ideas?

What will the Denver Broncos do about their Quarterback position since Elway don't like Tim Tebow?

He said at the press conference earlier this week when he was introduced as the Broncos' VP of Football Operations "Tim Tebow is a darn good football player. What we need to do is make him a darn good quarterback" hinting that he intended to keep Tebow and try to develop him.

How dangerous is backyard boxing?

By backyard boxing i mean people who arent trained fighting with gloves were from ages 14-15 were not those big teenagers who look like 18 we look our age im 5'4 another guys about 5'6 the tallest is like 5'8 and were skinny they dont know how to fight so most likely theyll throw haymeakers and get tired easily which makes it safer right the fights should be short how unsafe would this be are we talking broken teeth, concussions and most feared a knockout i doubt were that strong but is this possible were also using padded gloves idont know if theyre 12' oz (youth) or 16' oz (pro) gloves

How do you like the prolouge to my story?

I love this book so far! I don't know why you would change anything about it.I can't wait to read more of it! Oh yea and this is thefray09876 from youtube. Hi

What size drill bit and tap do i need so i can install a 1/8 th npt probe into a pipe?

I have to drill a hole in my exhaust manifold to install a exhaust gas temp probe that has a 1/8 npt fitting

HELP with Uggssss! :(?

I used the ugg cleaner to get the stains off my uggs and now they are completely dry but they are crusty and a little darker them before hwo can I make them look nice and soft again!! Also on the bck a little bit of the stain dfidnt even come out please help! :(

Why Joe did this to Demi?

I am a big fan of Demi Lovato , but that was on my mind too. I think because he probably wasn't into her . This is what I think. But I don't know for sure

Rate my pokemon team?

Its clever of you to bring flareon to shield your dragons from ice attacks. good job. you dun really have to replace flareon with an electric type pokemon. You can simply ditch dark pulse and let gengar learn thunderbolt to deal with water-types tat usually have ice type attacks under their sleeve. if u really want to change flareon, get a raikou or a jolteon. I have these two personally and they are really fast and powerful. I really like your dragonite but i suggest that you change dragon claw and outrage to iron tail, earthquake , stone edge, ice punch, fire punch or thunderpunch. giga impact would be great too. i have no comments for the rest as they are too good n doesn't nid improvement. great job on raising them. 9.9/10.

Why do i keep pushing people away?

i am 16 and my parents are divorced. i am always cold and distant to my mom and stepfather who i live with because i blame them for what happened. but lately ive been pushing away friends too. its like i get tired of them or something. especially guys. i let them in and become really close. i tell them anything they want to know. then after lke a month i move on and stop talking to them. its almost as if im only really interested in seeing if i can get them to lke me. like a game. i dont understand why i do this? because in the end i not only hurt them but myself as well

Which is the bestest Gigabyte motherboard for intel core2 duo 3Ghz?

Which is the bestest Gigabyte motherboard for intel core2 duo 3Ghz? ( FSB 1333Mhz, L2 Cache 6MB ) with SATA 320 GB, DDR2 2GB Ram

What can be done about a 9 year old boy that hurt a 9 year old girl because he was mad?

This boy admitted to the coach that he pushed my 9 year old granddaughter into a cement wall because he "lost it" and the school did punish him by paddling him and because of Alabama's laws that is all they can do. I am not blaming the school their hands are tied when it comes to what they can and cannot do. It made an egg size knot on her head that hurt her all last night. My granddaughter has suffered headaches in the past before this and I have had a CAT scan done on her head because I was worried about them. This has really upset me, is there anything else I can do, like turning him into the Juvenile Officer? What will this boy do when he gets older and "loses it"? Sometimes I feel like taking her out of the public school system and home schooling and would if I weren'57 years old. I am from the old school when you got punished you REALLY were punished and knew it, but in todays world it is so different. It would have been nice if the parents would have called and apolozied to me, but I guess they are in that generation that let their children do as they want or do as they see.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Naptime woes?

give her a sippy cup or bottle which ever she prefers, you have to start letting her cry too because she will keep doing it. i would also put on soothing music so she can relax

SLIMMER thighes ( not muscular but THINNER)?

doing any sort of cardio will make them slimmer becuz its burning fat. i suggest swimming, running, and eliptical machines.

Does the fat blaster tablets work?

they can be brought in any supermarket in australia, i have started to use them and wondering if it has worked for anyone else??

I took it waaayy to far ;( .......?

Okay,.....So about 2 weeks ago, I decided to "prank text" my cousin. I pretended I was this girl named veronica.... whenever I was bored, "Veronica" would text him. After a few days, Veronica and my cousin became friends (thats not even the bad part). I thought it was funny and planned to tell him I was Veronica, but I wanted to tell my friend about it the next weekend. So, Veronica and my cousin continued to text back and forth... Well, the weekend I saw my friend, some things happened (nothing nasty! My cousin hadn't even seen Veronica yet)...... and my cousin and "Veronica" ended up becoming bf and gf (wow)....... Of course, my friend thought this was hilarious, but my cousin still doesnt know that Veronica isnt real....... Im afraid to tell him now.... Hes sweet and everything to "Veronica". He told me that he likes Veronica alot (flinch)... Im afraid that if I tell him Im Veronica, he will be crushed and also maybe mad........ I just dont know what to do now.... Help!!! Should i wait until they break up or something?.... UGH!!! this is killing me!!!!!! Btw, my cousin is only 13....

Any remedies for sore throat and congested nose?

I felt fine yesterday until last night when i noticed my nose was kind of stuffy, then i could start to feel my throat get sore. So then i went to bed and i didn't sleep that well my whole head felt sore and my nose was terribly stuffy. Does any one have any natural remedies to get rid of my congested nose and sore throat while it still hasn't quite overtaken my head all the way?

Plymouth 1969...rims??

what wheels and rims would look good on a 1969 plymouth gtx ??also what are some good looking old school rims??

Are people cheating on line on Mario Kart DS?

Im wondering because it seems that in ordinary game play one can go so fast or disappear and reappear further on the screen.

Did/do at least so far the New York Jets resemble last years Baltimore Ravens?

Being a Jets fan I would sign for that in a heartbeat. Lets see the Jets play this brand of D on a good offense before we judge. One thing the NFL teaches you every year is that there are at least 3 teams that you don't expect to be good to surprise you. Hopefully the Jets will be one of those teams.

Goegraphy Questions please help me!!?

The first three are Wyomming, California, and Michigan. 11 is Colorado & 12 is Utah. These really aren't too hard. You can look up some yourself.

My 9-week old son has gained over 6.5 lbs since birth. Is he overeating?

I am exclusively feeding, he eats every 2.5-3 hours during the day and wakes up 1x at night to feed. He vomits occasionally but does not have any other colicky symptoms. He is 50th percentile for length but >80% for weight. I have been doing Baby Wise since the beginning, focusing on full feedings, wake time after feedings, etc. Should I be concerned that he is eating too much? Today he was very hungry less than 2.5 hours since his last feeding, but after I fed him, he had projectile vomit. Is this a concern?

What do you think of the baby names I like?

Mazy is a nice name and sometimes not having a middle name is a good thing, because everyone seems to have a middle name, so maybe this would make her name stand out more. I also like boys names that are traditional, so something like Richard would be nice. Many names now are not traditional, so again, it may be good to go down the traditional route.

Why does everyone think that the music in the Bailey's Shake advert is by Carmen Miranda...?

The music in question is not by Carmen Miranda and is not the song by her called Chika Boom Chicka Boom... instead if you listen to the words of the song it is actually Boom Pacha Boom, this song was done by Billy Byrd and his Penguins and the female singer is sadly unknown as she was not a member of the group and only sang with them for that 1 number...

A dark magical adventurous book aimed at an older audiance?

The Kushiel trilogy by Jacqueline Carey might fit your description. The magic is a little more subtle than wizards and magic rings, but it features an alternate history of the earth. American Gods and The Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman are also dark magical adventures, though they are set in present times.

Will Manny Being Manny coming back to the Red Sox with David "Big Papi" Ortiz soon?

As much as I loved Manny when he was on the Red Sox the way he left and everything was just too rough for him to ever come back. Even if he begged to come back I'm pretty sure Theo Epstein would just tell him tough luck. He may be a great hitter but he screwed himself over and plus, I really don't think Manny would even want to come back although I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what's going on in his head most of the time so who knows.

Is Palmer, NE a safe place to live if you are an African American?

I have heard quite a bit of negative things about Palmer, Nebraska in reference to way minorities ranging from Italian to African Americans are treated. However; due personal reasons which can not explain I have been considering moving that small town. Can anyone give me any credible information about how true this is and possible ways to avoid issues that don't involve not moving there.

In confronting Anita Hill two decades later, is Ginni Thomas attempting to save our constitution from tyranny?

No. She's just carrying on the family tradition of haring Anita Hill. She's also in a serious state of denial.

What are some good questions that the presidential candidates should have to answer?

To all of them: Why is it so uncommon and difficult to find someone in politics who has principles, ethics and honesty?

What can I do / What should I do?

First of all , please dont answer with a smarmy remark or a joke , this is serious , I am 45 yrs old and married for 20 yrs , I know my husband and I are both alcoholics and we have both suffered alot of heartache because of that losing family , children and friends due to our addiction, we dont drink everyday , in fact we have a nice home , both of us are supervisors in our jobs and hardly ever miss work , we have 2 cars , a motorcycle and a camper , however when we drink which is at least 2- 4 times a week we get really really drunk , sometimes it has gotten violent , the cops know our address by heart, etc , fact is , I want to quit , I want to get help , but I will be walking away from a great job and possibly my 20+ year marriage , should I do this ? and how do I convince myself that this is the right thing to do . I want to enjoy life without the booze but all my baggage makes it seem impossible , I dont see my son , my family disowned me , the only thing i have going for me is I am great at my job and I have a beautiful home , please any advice would be welcome

The Sims 2 + All Expansions on this Graphics Card?

yes, it will play. the fps rate will be somewhere between 30-40 (perfectly fine). and the graphics will be decent for a sims game

Halloween Fireworks Rise Along with Dog's Demise?

I hope you are just kidding because if you are not its not funny!!!! Stop making up these things about abusing your dog!!

Help with a nixon essay!!!?

I am writing a paper on former President Richard Nixon and I need 3 or 4 solid points to hit so that I don't run around in circles. I am having incredibly bad writers block. so i would very much appreciate any help you could offer.

Was mohammed a child mostler did he really take a 9 year old as his wife?? or....?

was wife just a title the girl was given so she had his protection and safety of his home without having to perform certian duties wifes get up to in the bedroom?

Is this a fulfillment of a hadith?

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Does anyone know about Google jobs?

I've seen on a few social networking sites some adverts which claim people get paid by Google for apparently not doing much. I'm a bit wary of clicking on these ads but does anyone know what it is these people do for Google or is it just a scam? I'm thinking that if it is a scam, why haven't Google shut these people down?.....

Question about World pollution?

In the last two centuries West has developed to the peak and also contributed to severe global warming and envionmental pollution. This seems to the century for the east also. So imagine both east and west in this century both contributing to the threats like warming,pollution,ozone layer depletion and so and so.!!!!!!!!!!. Where is this heading to? Isnt it a serious concern? By When would we begin to see the impact directly

Bloody show or mucus plug?

I am 39 weeks pregnant and waiting for my second boy :) Got my membranes stripped yesterday at 11:00 am. I was 1 cm dilated. It is now the next day and I have been steadily discharging brown gooy/globby mucus, Is this normal? Is it the bloody show or the mucus plug? Am I going into labor soon?? Any mothers want to share their experiences??

Who else is sick of people asking who's going to win the superbowl?

Or the infamous, "Who won the Super Bowl?" when the game is three weeks away. I believe they do it just to be smart es. We all fall for it because we are all excited about the playoffs.

NEED some new bands!?

if you like Bright Eyes you should check out Conor's side projects, Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band, and Desaparecidos. if you like Death Cab, check out The Postal Service. you may also enjoy, a static lullaby, city and colour, william fitzsimmons, gatsby's american dream, faster than fashion, emanual, gljaw, furgive durdin, house of blow, idiot pilot, just surrender

Should the Dallas Mavericks 'rent' Carmelo Anthony for a title run?

i dont think we need melo we have everything it takes to win a championship if the just start playing in the playoffs like they don in regular season

Poll: You think the term "tramp stamp" to describe a lower-back tattoo is?

funny but a lil mean... i always wanted one til i heard that expression. now i dont want one no more =[

What do you think of Marco Pierre White?

agreed, except for the y part, i'm not gay lol, i've seen a good few interviews with him and he is a very deep thinking,insightful man without doubt,very intense, serious and involved in his answers

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What song is currently playing in your head? anything that probably dictates your mood right now?

for some reason, I couldn't seem to get the song 'promiscuous girl' (nelly and timbaland) out of my head. Probably because I have seen the video 4x today, also, I feel a giddy today. Must be because my husband just got home from work overseas

Clarinet ensemble music?

Where can i find free printable clarinet ensemble music? Preferable Christmas, holiday or winter related.

My brother is about to get released from prison after 8 yrs?

my brother is about to get released from prison after 8 yrs for aggravated robbery, he is now a Jehovah's witness so he says, (im catholic) any how im scared in a way for his freedom but then again happy and excited, he says he is going to be a better person and he is going to take advantage of life!!! i hope and pray he gets out with a good head on his shoulders and does positive things once he is out here, but for some reason i have a werid felling he is going to be the same person and do bad things!!! i told my husband about this and well he said we are going to have to help him be good he will be living with my sister which is not a very good example she is a good person but very negative, how shall i help?

One day when i have a baby.....?

Hey, I'm 19, but one day I would like to have children. I would like to have one boy and one girl I'm thinking of any of these names: For the girls: Kristianna Marie (KRIS-TEE-ON-UH), Amy Lee (after the lead singer of Evanescence), Alicia Rose. For the boys: Christopher Aiden, Tyler James, or Conner Riley. What do u think?

I binged yesterday and then i purged after(once a week) will this make me gain weight?

I exercise 4-5 times a week, running more than 7 km. I am a very active person. On the day that i dont binge i eat 1700 kcal. Will this make me fat if i binge once a week and purge afterwards? I am very scared. My height is 172 cm and my weight is 54 kgs.

How will the Red Sox generate runs this year?

Good question. Though I doubt the Red Sox won't go after a big bat this off-season, whether it be Werth or Crawford or even Dunn. On the other hand, if by some chance, the Sox don't get a big bat they may very well be looking at a sub-.500 year.

What are some skateboarding tricks that don't require an ollie?

I know there are a lot of tricks out there that you don't even have to be able to ollie to do, I just don't know what they are or how to do them.

Is it ok to have bronchitis/respiratory problems while giving birth?

My OB/GYN won't give treatment, only over the counter meds....and I am delivering in 2 weeks. I either have severe cold, or bronchitis coming on. (Stuffy nose and wheezy lungs)

Why would any honest person be supportive of estate taxes?

The person leaving the bequest has paid taxes two and three times (payroll, capitol gains, interest tax etc). Why should they continue to pay even after death?

How do I deal with this guy I'm really into? Im so scared I will get hurt!?

There's this guy from my work that I like. We met months ago on a work get together but work in diff. states. We talk now and again by phone and have even got together once, kissed, he wanted more but I said 'not now' (as I need time but didnt explain this to him & he cancelled an invite he had given me the next day..maybe he felt rejected? But now he has called me and wants to come see me on his next vacn. I asked him what he was up to for the weekend and he told me that a girl will call by to work on a project with him. I asked him if this was a girlfriend and he said no it is a friend. His voice didn't hint of any feelings for her. I mean, why would he call me & say he's coming to visit if he's into another girl? He does like travelling though and would love to see my city. He will also call to another guy friend on his travels. Am I worrying unecessarily? I know he has loads of female friends and one I know is def only platonic as she is also a friend of mine. Is he interested?

Pp question B=================)?

ok so i woke up this morning and my pp has the worst felling it had a sharp pain it also tasted like chocolate milk

How do you people from the family and relationship section feel about gays biuals and s?

Buzzz wrong two first answers. I think we all have the same concerns on relationships and feel with a wider mix of answers we might get the one that helps us. I think having a separate section might deprive someone of a wider range of answers that might hit pay-dirt. LGBT people as your abbreviations covers it and all of us who are straight all have the same anxiety towards hostile, biased, predators, and anyone who as you said are anti-gay in their responses. We share that responsibility to police those negative mean comments to clean up this community so we can benefit from it. Any failure of our efforts will allow those people from getting their jollies by turning us to give up. Anything less is criminal when you come to think of it..........

Brett Favre invited to Browns training camp?

Some things are so mind-boggling you can't even begin to comprehend them. This is one of those scenarios. First, McDaniels alienates his QB in Denver, now it looks like Mangini is gonna do the same thing. Didn't he learn anything coaching Favre last year? I agree with you Elk, it's absolutely ridiculous.

Did you ever get a song stuck in your head... from a book?

Haha when I was in 4th grade, the cl read the charlie and the chocolate factory and I got the Augutus Gloop song stuck in my head :]]

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My 7 month old granddaughter has underarm odor. Should I be concerned? She gets a bath every other day?

Sometimes babies have those little chubby roles around any areas that have creases. They end up getting red and irritated, which could cause an odor. My daughter had this under her chin (she's a little chub and has quite a chin, and it's really hard to get that area good and clean). The dr had me put 1% hydracortizone cream on it and it was gone within two days. This can happen when the area isn't washed well, or maybe is washed but isn't dried as well as it could be and a bit of moisture gets trapped. Check in those little folds and see if there is any red and moist irritation.

Is Rudy Ray Moore the creator of rap?!?

I don't know but I downloaded some of his stuff for my uncle and was shocked by some of the things he was saying lol. But it was kind of funny.

How would Hilary Clinton have mad a BAD president?

I have to write a 5 paragraph essay on the 2008 presidential race. Im on my last paragraph. My last paragraph is about WHY Hilary Clinton would have mad a BAD president. I know a few things such as shes to far left, Shes a socialist, How she was taking illegal campaign contributions. But that's not enough to fill up a paragraph. Can anyone help please. Its due by Monday for my college English cl. Thanks

Is it hypocritical to be slightly misanthrope/cynical, but also hate militant, self-righteous misanthropes?

Is it hypocritical to not be particularly fond of the humans, but to also really hate those types of militant and self-righteous misanthropes who constantly preach that the humans are evil mistakes in evolution that don't deserve to exist, are inferior to all other species, and a disease of the planet, and also claim that anyone who does not wish for the humans to go extinct is the devil?

What does improper personal conduct mean?

Depends on the context. Could be anything from betting on football to hiring hookers to having an occasional drink or ciggy.

Guys, what's more hott?

Light blonde hair, like Pamela Anderson, or a little darker, like Carmen Electra? Even you girls can give me your opinion too!

Can i access internet here in philippines using blackjack II without using at&t?

i'm using blackjack II,but it seeems it has no unique features compared to other cellphones here in philippines.,do u think i can access internet uisng the blackjackII???

Can you publish a book written about something like the American Idol?

From what I've seen, most people when referencing something in the real world alter the name. Shows from Law and Order to iCarly have done it and I'm sure the same applies to books. To avoid any copy write issues just change the name from American Idol to Singing Idol or something like that. So long as the characteristics of the show remain the same people will know what you're talking about.

Would you like to share a real life GHOST experiance?

Okay Im looking for real life ghodst stories. Traumatic stories. I wanna write a real life story of a ghost sitings or hearing. Only if you wnat to share your's. No Im not trying to cheat of someone else writing the story for me. Just something of what happened to them. Anyone?

I am look for the xmas song by Red Skelton called The littlest christmas tree. I?

it was on a childs first christmas album out 1960 to 1963 ? I think it was Capitol records. I have a cd by this name but it doesnt have that song. My kids grew up on this and Id like to p it down to my great grand son.

My brick chimney is shedding shards of brick all over my roof! What is going on?

It runs all the way through the house to the basement. I don't have a fireplace. What I believe to be the clean out door in the chimney, which is at my basement floor level, and made of metal, also seems to be rusting and leaking a small amount of water occasionally.

Was Casey Anthony dancing it up in the bars while baby Caylee was decaying in the trunk ?

Since grandmother Cindy stated the car smelled like a dead body ; and washed the missing toddler's clothes from the car , the body would have had to be in there awhile . Do we know if Casey's pals ever noticed a night out when Casey was conspicuously absent from the clubs ?

Do you think you could help me I've done lots of studying and research and tutoring!!?

What would be the resulting sequence of amino acids in this growing protien chain, based on the seqence of bases in the illistrated messanger RNA?

Why people talk bad about Chavez?

People talk bad about Chavez but they forget that the real problem in Venezuela are the foreigners. Spanish, Italians, etc, they came to Venezuela to rob and steal and they have taken everything for themselves. In Venezuela whites used to own every single store supermarket etc but not anymore. Whites our of Venezuela!!! Long live Chavez!! Chavez has helped Venezuela a lot

I feel like I should tell my friend I'm sorry for something I didn't do?

My best friend has kinda been 'chasing' one of our really good guy friends. She asked him to the V-tine's dance that was last weekend. He said no but then went with someone else. He told her no because he was afraid of her because of what she had done in the past. I feel like I should apologize for everything that has happened because he fells 'stuck'. Should I apologize or just leave it alone and forget it?

Did you know????

well sucks for Attila the Hun, Felix Faure, Pope Leo VII, Pope John VII, Pope Leo VIII, Pope John XIII, Pope Paul II, Lord Palmerston, Nelson Rockefeller, and John Entwistle lol

What is more rational and factually supported explanation for the diversity of life; evolution or creationism?

OK look. If you actually take the time to look at both sides then there really is no reason to ask this question. Creationism is based on a book for which there is NO proof. No matter the explanation given by this book, it is not based in any sort of science. It is not rational thought to believe that this is a science. To be considered a science you must have varied outside sources and have the ability to be wrong and adjust your hypotheses. The bible is a list of absolutes and not open for change or debate, therefore, science(evolution) is the only way to rationally describe how life has changed on this planet.

Is it really 'Finders Keepers'?

Returning stray shopping trolleys to the supermarket bay today, I found someone had accidentally left in one, a pack of two Custard Tarts Having missed my lunch break through an altercation with a customer/motorist which led to an interview with our manager, I am starving and as they sit here on my desk, I wonder just who has the moral high ground viz-a-viz ownership, me or the supermarket?

Are there any ways to figure how much Alimony a woman is entitled to in a Divorce?

I was going to file for Divorce from my husband of 29 years as we have been separated for over a year and he has no desire to get back together. He makes around $1600. month and I am on Disability and SSI and trying to raise my granddaughter, and he was giving me some money every month, but when I mentioned the divorce, he said no more money. I told him that I wanted to file for the divorce by myself and not get any attorneys involved since I thought we could agree on everything, but now he says that unless I put it in writing that I won't touch his Pension,his retirement and his Soc. Security.....that he won't give me any more money. I also have to agree to no alimony. I told him that if I get a lawyer involved, my alimony for 29 years will be alot more than what he was giving me now, plus, by law, I would be entitled to his pension and all that other stuff. I just want to know if there is some formula to maybe give me a general idea as to what I would be entitled to based on his income.

BB9.. It's only just started and I've had enough of the games... Can't they just leave them to stew?

.. it's so obvious they are making up the "games" as they go along.. they only made Mario propose because they new what she would be like... it's soooooo boring..

What are good names for a girl?

I love the name Aiden. Yes, for a girl. No one else likes it! I also like Roxy and Kylie. But I like Aiden the most. What do you think of those three names? And what are some other cute names for a baby girl with the last name McKenna?

Da Vinci Veneers?

How much do the Da Vinci Veneers cost per tooth? and do you know what Veneers might be best looking?

First time I learn nutrition. Plz help me a lot.?

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Is Angelina Jolie a compulsive breeder who has an uncontrollable urge to collect children?

If you could afford it, would you adopt underpriviledged children from third-world orphanages? I don't see how you can criticise her for that. Whatever their social demands, they will undoubtedly have a much better lives.

Is my lasagna safe to eat?

It's not safe to eat if it was out all night, sorry. It's time to throw it away and make new lasagna. Sometimes I set a kitchen timer to remind me to put leftovers away, or at least I used to, now I just don't have leftovers.

Does anyone know where I can find the pictures of My Chemical Romance acting like mannequinss?

I was watching a youtube fan-made video and one of the pictures was of MCR in a store window all posing as mannequins. I thought it was great so I tried to find it online but I can't. Help Please??

Are my too small or average?

Im 15, 5'2, 55 kgs and my bra size is 12B.. which is 34B (us), 34C(uk) and 75C (eu)... are they small? Because my mum said that my s are going to be big when im older but i think that right now they are average... what do you think?

Can you give beauty tips?

ignore that STUPID PRICK that sed loose weight, theres nothing rong with your weight. the only thing i can really say is, your hair looks abit dull. im not really sure how old you are, but you cud get it coloured, or if you dont want that just get a more stylish cut. girl on the righhtt i wud say get a sweepy side fringe. for eye shadow it really depeneds what your wearing. usualy i wear a colour, eg black, then either put gold or silver jewelry on. then match my eyeshadow and jewelry. abit of blusher and bronzer would look nice, to give you a nice glow! but for make up tips you can go to somewhere and ask them what they advoce. not sure where you from, if your from america sephora is ama\ing. or the uk, boots, or debanhams. xxx p.s. your both really pretty!

Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits?

I am enrolled at my local community college for a total of 17 units or credit hours for this fall semester. 6 of these units are on campus and the remaining 11 units are online courses (through the same college). I was contacted by my college's VA Rep stating that I am not eligible for the monthly housing allowance. The reasoning behind it is that the 11 units online are considered distance learning and are not payable under the new bill. That leaves the remaining 6 units on campus courses. By only accounting for the 6 units on campus I am not attending full-time so I am once again not eligible for the monthly allowance. Does anyone have any further information? I have searched everywhere but I'm unable to find concrete info. If you respond please try to include your source so I can use it whenever I speak with my school. Thank you!

Is it okay for a husband to vote against his wife in a cooking competition?

I had a small competition with a co-worker for who has the best chef skills. Out of 4 votes, my husband was not one of them. He told me what to cook, what would be good, my recipe to use. Then I can't even count on him for a vote. And he knew how important my cooking is to me. Is this betrayal fair?

Indiana Jones the movie? (crystal skull)?

Okay, so did you see the movie? only answer if you only saw the movie, did you like it? it was SUCHA WASTE OF MONEY, it turned all Sci-fi...and the ancient Aztecs turned into aliens?? wtf? did anyone think that this was a very retarded movie?? i thought it sucked, i mean it was REALLY good in the beginging and then towards the end it was just STUPID!! anyone else agree? gimme your opinion on the movie!

Hopeless. In love?? Advice?? What do you think?

It was a happy day, I arrived at school and I was just staring out into space for a couple seconds ,then I turn my head to the right , and a guy I had never seen before was staring at me with such idk it was like the world stopped for a minute and it was just me and him and a diagnal path between us. I felt wonder and infautiation rushing through my body rapidly. I don't know for how long he had been staring at me but I felt like he appreciated me like he knew me or even loved me by thewayhe stared. He smiled and the bell rang. I had to go and he almost chased after me. It was the most unexpected thing ever. I thought I had given up on love completely because of a past dissapointment andpg then he came along. It was wierd. Our homerooms were right next to eachother the next year. He hadn't talked yet but the paths we took were almost the same. Sadly he did say hello but I was in a hurry and didn't say hi back. He even got to know my friends to get closer to me. I never put much effort. But I did feel things. He always stared with tenderness and smiled and I felt like he payed attention. One day it was raining and he was inside and I was outside. He looked at me outside and once again I felt like it was just the two of us.the year went by. And it sucks because I still like him. He's going out with my best friend. When I found out I cried. She didn't know about the eye affair I guess you could say. Why though? He got close to my friends and now he's going out especifically with my best friend?? Advice??

What type of graphics drivers would i need.?

for a certain game i need to download graphics drivers and it tells me to check my graphics card, however from what i can find instead of a graphics card my laptop comes with a Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 4500MHD but the 4 options for drivers are for nvidia, ATI, intel and matrox. would any of these work or am i forever doomed to not be able to be an online video game nerd???

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where does random fertilization occur in meiosis?

I know it's a part of the three mechanisms of genetic diversity, but I need to know which phase it occurs in. BEST ANSWER please

How does she keep it going?

ok so my friend is going out with this guy but she still isn't alloyed to date so how does she keep it a secret with out her twin sister knowing? ....................................... her sis has a big mouth

What's a good movie that chronicalls the life of Jesus Christ?

Specifically, I'm looking for an in depth movie for Good Friday that includes the last supper. I don't want anything glamorfied or gory like the Pion of the Christ was, more like a good old fasioned movie about Christ. Any suggestions??

Neighbours have abandoned their dog outside?

You need to keep chasing the RSPCA... dogs can cope with being outside but the lack of food and water is definately not a good thing.. keep chasing them though because they have so much to deal with, they need reminding

I need ideas for a good Roller Derby name Please?

I have joined my local roller derby team and need a good derby name. I am from the south and got a southern something using southern words would be great. Thanks for any ideas! :)

POLL: If you made your own purfume label ; what would you call it and what color would it be?

Mine would be called arabian haze and it would be a light purple with colorful specs of diamond dust.

I'm planning to buy a new laptop, can anyone recommend a specific brand that is very good (aside from apple)?

i don't know any with those particular specs, but i know that you can customize a dell. i'm a bit biased toward them, they are pretty reliable. i would suggest the Studio series, maby XPS, but you said mainly work related stuff. for work, i would suggest the studio, its a mix between work and gaming. they are quite fast, and work great. if you are really looking for performance, then definately XPS, but they are expensive. good luck!

Which random lineup would you rather have?

I would say A because it has people who are very well suited for each slot in the lineup. Ichiro is pretty much the ideal leadoff hitter, Jeter's a great No. 2 hitter. A-Rod and Ryan Howard are a good 3-4 punch. I might switch Holliday and either Utley or Votto, since Utley and Votto are left-handed hitters. If you put Holliday fifth or sixth, Lineup A would be extremely balanced and hard for opposing pitchers to match up against. McCann is a good offensive catcher (won't have the same average as Mauer, but McCann is still good offensively) and will give you some pop in the bottom of the order. Crawford would be an awesome No. 9 hitter. His skills suggest he should be batting first, second, or third, but to have him in the No. 9 slot would also be good because he would avoid double plays and would be on base a lot for Ichiro and Jeter, and then lead into the heart of the order to drive them all in. So basically I think that Lineup A is more balanced in terms of offensive skill for their lineup positions. On the other hand, Lineup B has good hitters, but I think they're kind of out of place (Cano can be more in the middle; Mauer could be fifth or sixth; basically there's a lot of power guys with some speed here and a lot of home runs).

What is the best way to clean blood off a dog ?

my dog got attacked by my neighbors dog today. I am going to take her too the vet. I just dont want her to get blood everywhere and i dont want her licking her blood.Is it bad for her to lick her wounds?is there something i could temporarily bandage her with? until she gets to the vet?I'M SOOOO WORRIED!!!! Help my PRECIOUS SAMMY!!!

Will This Sunday at TLC Be Mickie James' Last Match?

I've Been Hearing Rumors That at TLC This Sunday That The Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool Match Will Be Her Last Match is This True

Optical Illusion help please. Best Answer to first person to show me the hidden picture?

It is the face of a young woman tilted slightly to the left. The branch from above is her right eye. The top squirrel is her left eye and the bottom squirrel makes up her lips. Now can you see it? I saw it right away.

Catholics: Mel Gibson is a catholic "hero", so to speak, right? A famous catholic figure, at any rate?

Venerable Anne-Catherine Emmerich was given this vision the movie was inspired by God's revelation to her of what actually happened at the pion. She was a mystic

Native Ancestry and Catholicism ...i did not choose to follow Christianity?

before christianity your ancestors worshiped the sun and sacrificed the young on mountain tops by cutting out their hearts and offering them to the sun god

Does anybody know where I can get the song from the District 9 trailer?

I really like the song, and none of the searches I make on the Google or Yahoo search engines will come up with anything. Its the song that sounds like it was a remake of the Terminator theme during the Distrcit 9 Trailer.

I love this chick! but sure!!!!?

Well, you got to get over your shyness and open up, otherwise you'll lose her to some other guy. Then talk to her. Say hi, ask about her day, what she likes, and answer whatever she asks or says. If she likes you like you like her, she'll stick around. Do not instantly ask her out because that would just freak her out.

Whats your favourite song at the moment?

I can't choose one in particular but I do especially love Earth wind and fire, Shalamar, SOS Band, U2 and The beatles.

Ok im trying out for mascot and i need a little help..........................…

i am trying out for mascot and i need help with the skit... ugh i have no clue and i have actully tried.. plz helpp me im srry if this sounds a little needy i hate being needy

Rate my family names Best to Worst!!?

holly, jessica , lee, ellie, rosie, bradly, jayden, harry , lewis, abigail, susan, olivia-lynsey, and then billy-jane. wow lots of ppl.

Burton Custom vs Burton Custom Wide?

So I'm looking at buying a Burton Custom snowboard but I noticed that there is a "wide" version of the same board. I'm a beginner, do you think this is a good board? and what is the difference between the wide and non-wide version.

Headaches in pregnancy did you experience them?

im wondering how many people got headaches in early pregnancy, i get them every single day and its been like this for 2 months, they started off so painfull and would last all day long now i only get them for 5 minutes a day, and does this sound like i may be pregnant

Is it wrong to lie about my place of birth(in the same country)?

What is all the nonsense about your place of birth and lying about it? What is your hangup? Are you smoking? Apparently it is time for you to grow up and mature and begin thinking how you can have a productive and happy life. Quit being obsessed with all this dribble and do something to enhance your learning. You have more internet sites than BOZO the Clown.

Legality of contract? (two minors)?

A person I know who is a minor wants to create a contract for the distribution of an emulator he programmed. What he says the contract would contain would basically be a disclaimer from damages caused by the emulator, a confidentiality agreement that prohibits the signer from naming the person who distributed the software, and another disclaimer/informational section on the legality of ROM files. If this contract was to be made by said minor and agreed to by another minor, would the contract be valid in a civil court?

Help with a Physics question ?

A bathysphere used for deep sea explorations has a radius of 1.50m and a m of 1.20*10^4kg. In order to dive , this submarine takes on m in the form of sea water. Determine the m the submarine must take on so that can descend at a constant speed of 1.20m/s, when the upward resistive force on it is 1100N upward. The density of sea water is 1.03*10^3 kg/m^3.

How can i get jimmy rollins?

I traded Jeter and Placido Polanco for Rollins AND Dice-K Matsuzaka. But for you, his team doesn't exactly need what I'm guessing you'd be willing to give. Just try Young and a bench player in a 2 for 1 deal for Rollins, and if that doesn't work use this trade format: 2 for 2 trade, you give decent SS and get good SS, you give a good player and get a decent player of the same position. These trades work pretty good, because each team loses in one position but gets better in another. Remember: always start with your worst offer and work your way up.

I need help with a casino party night?

Most people can easily last three hours with a hundred bets. So if the bets are $5.00 then you can start people off with $500.00. They wont game the whole time. They will chat, think about what game they want to play, eat, and shuffle from one game to the next.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why is Obama having sooo much fun?

It takes time. Since he only been leader for 2 years, you probably wont see as much as you probably wanted. Much of his traveling has been fundraising activities, Obama has been mentioned the Fundraising king before.

Where can I find a real looking Santa Clause in Central Pennsylvania?

There used to be an awesome Santa at Park City Mall 3 or 4 years ago, but he's gone and the one they have now sucks. Hershey Chocolate world had even a better one than that last year, but like the mall, this year, its cotton wig and beard...losers. Where can I take my two believing daughters to see the "real" Santa Clause within an hour or so drive of Lancaster Pa. ?

I'm on a business trip and need some serious advice before it's over�?

So i am in cuba for 5 days workin on this case for work ... my sis rhonda and friends decided to tag along for some loco loco fun.. For the first few days obviously i had to drift off on my own cause i gotsta search for the endangered species of the Eguan Sholt deep within the cadaverned palm forest. As i walked into the forest i can sense danger... i saw something beyond my belief.. it was a small figget the size of a cashew peanut but as i look carefully it was a human cut-off toe. It was an omen i thought... but i kept walking anyways... i reached a bit further and saw a skeleton... it was a skull the size of a fist. I walked in further to see a sign that said "this way" and ran into a man with long beard. He claimed to be dumbledore from harry pottter and came here through a vortex of an ogres belly on. He was wet cause of the "jelly belly". He told me he would tell me where to find the eguan sholt but it was a secret and i had to promise him to keep it a secret or else he would turn me into a piece of leg hair on morris the valients leg. Oh dera john me, i do not want to be a leg hair. He told me i had to go through 3 tasks to get the scroll of map where to find the eguan. So the first day was the first task and i had to go for a swim with a fat bald guy.. i walked to the beach and invited this chunka chunka haggis loada guy to go for a dip with me in the ocean. He agreed of course and while we were far ashore he randomly stood there. I was like, yoo you ok and hes like ya but i gots an emergency to do and were too far ashore.. i was likke ok what can ido to help? hes like just swim away and dont come back till i tell u or turn around. I swam away and 5 mins later i swam back to see if he was ok. I swam behind him and saw with lordy doo that it was a nasty nasty sight. He had took off his swimmy trunks and his bare@$$ was shown as mushy mushy brown piece of loaft cames out. I was like nasty... i swam away pretending i never saw... so i came back ashore and dumbledore was there,, he said i finished the 1st task and tmrw is the nxt one. The next day i was prepared for w/e task it was. The task was to loader up a bag of horse-radishes mixed with foot odour and put it on the chair of the manager in a 5-star hotel's seat. I didnt know where to get foot odour so i decided to call back that old bald guy from yesterday and asked to wash his feet. I washed and scrapped off the pus infections and warts of mold and put it in the bag. Then i walked in to the hotel and managed to get into the manager seat and placed it there.. i vined out like tarzan and george of the jungle. Dumbledore showed up and said tmrw is the final task taht is far difficult then anything u can dream of. I was worried. The next day i had to climb a mountain called sierra del rosario and meet up with an old guy. As i walked up the mountain there were odd trails leading me there.. it was rabbit and human stool .. i made my own trail of raisins.. i reached up the mountain and saw an old man.. he had 10 billy goats and was sitting on a rock milkin them with his bare feet! he poured some in a cup and offered me some.. i was like heeeeellll no bud it was from a goats nipps and touched ur heels. he said it has vital nutrition that supplies you with determination and success.. i said alright and drank it. it tasted of rotten milk mixed in a dirty sock. Dumbledore showed up and said congratz for the final task completion.. he handed me a scroll and i bowed to them and headed off. once i got to land i read the map and it said to go to a palm tree near the tehetan hut. when i got there my fam and friends were there, i started diggin for gold as they watch in confusion. i kept diggin and diggin till i found something. it was a pile of dog feces larger than life. I was tricked by an old hag. I decided to be a detective like csi and find my own way to the eguan sholt since i had 2 days left of this darned business trip ... im still on my forth day as i write this now and shall tell u wonderful ppl that want to know, what ma vaca was like the last 2 days. do u think its hopeless to complete this ignment?

How would you deal with this?

i'd tell em to buy a watch and cram it up their ***. i'm tired of bending over backwards 4 so called fr. they only take u for granted and treat u like mud. dump the loser who needs the hle of a friend like that. if you were late (which u weren't) u obviously had or have MUCH better things to do with your time. stop wasting it on a selfish jerk nuff said!

Why did Benoit do this senseless act why?

im 15 and ever since wrestlemania xx, ive looked at benoit as my idol, a guy that would never back down and a guy that loved his kids, and loved his career. But now all im wondering is why did he do it? why.....

Where can I buy Gatsby Wax in Woodstock, Ontario???

so I live in Woodstock, Ontario. anyone from here or near here that knows a place near by that sells them awesome styling waxes???

Question about submersible heaters for aquariums.?

I live in a trailer, and have a 10 gal tank with a betta, and a yellow danio, and a neon tetra. I've had them for going on two years, in the trailer. Last year I could afford to heat the trailer, so the fish were warm and happy. This year, I got laid off a month ago and can't afford propane to heat the trailer or an electric heater. So I bought a Tetra Submersible Aquarium Heater (50 watt, up to 10 gallons) thinking that would keep the fish nice and warm during the icy cold nights (it got down to 30 degrees F last night.) Well, when I woke up this morning, I looked at the thermometer and it read 69 degrees F. CRAP!!! all the fish are still alive, but the 50 watter is obviously not going to cut it. My MAIN question is, do you think that if I took it back and bought the 100 watt heater (up to 30 gallons) it would keep my aquarium at the optimum temp of 78 degrees F? Both of these heaters are equipped with an automatic thermostat that turns on and off keeping the water at 78 degrees. It's just the 10 gal one isn't powerful enough to keep the water that warm when the room air is almost freezing.

2 questions - one cholesterol and one on knee joints?

when i was in 8th grade i was normal weight and i found out i had an extremely high cholesterol of 198 and i was borderline for medication. i went on a 3 month diet of no dairy or meats and did exercise.

Hey what you think of Bruno Mars?

i like bruno mars but theress just something about hes not ugly and hes not fit...but hes kinda hot?! who else thinks his hot??

LLC Owner's income question ?

Yes An owner of an LLC cannot also be an employee of the LLC so any profits by the LLC are considered income to the owner at the end of the tax year...

My 2 yr old Bichon has become obsessed with food...?

she eats her good in about 10 seconds. then runs to my other dogs bowl. I have had to crate my other dog so that he can eat and then let him out. She will try to go into the trash, dig under anything for maybe one piece of dog food that may have escaped. the other day when i was giving her a treat, she was so antsy about getting the treat she bit my finger. Before she would just eat her food when she please, not its like she internally countdowns to when I am going to feed her again. Is this a sign of something, should I become concerned. I really cant take the food agression and she gets pretty scared ad erractic.

Chem lab ques, please help?

So the new, unknown chemicals dont counter-react with the last sample and have a chem reaction (ex.exploding). There could also be a difference in accuracy though there is always that because measurements are never precise.

Are my neighbors alowd 2 do this?

my neighbors who r as old as my parents r super protectave of their kids, + me an mw twin brother. When alex an me where walkin around with sari when she told me to git over there when she told me i didnt need to be dragin her daughter around with boys. i told her it was my TWIN BROTHER but she didnt beleve me even tho he looks like me. so she told my mom that i was in a bikini walikin around with a MOB of dudes. then she called the camp i was going 2 go 2 and told them that i wouldnt be going. after that she made my wear nun clothes and SHE CUT MY HAIR it was about 4 feet now its the lenght it is in mi pic. she wouldnt even let me leave her house or 4 hours, so is she alowd to basicly take me hostage n do all tha other stuff-alice

How long did it take you for a BFP ? I got a BFN and then a VERY slight BFP ?!?

Last period was 12/23/09 and my cycle is very normal (always 28-30 days). Did "it" 1/2,1/6, and 1/8 w/hubbby. Took two tests today and one was BFN and another was with a very very very very slight line ( BFP?). I think I am at 12, 13, or 14 DPO!? Going nuts here and want to know...

TFC = total fixed cost Q = quantity of output MC = marginal cost P = product price TVC = total variable cost?

How'd you know I was a business major? haha I'm doing this in my cles and it all seems correct to me. Is this for an economics course? Knowing what equation you're using would help. Because the quantity and price aren't always the quantity of output and product price if I remember correctly. But in general it is correct.

Is it normal for people to wear a beanie to cover up their hair when its messy?

a href=";_ylt=AjrLLbqYA8aWTip7GZvvNEPty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091127174124AAsVwFh";…/a

Why are most British houses so badly designed?

I know a lot of people will disagree with me here, but I don't care. It seems to me that when I think of British houses, I think of the majority of post-war houses-ugly brick boxes with plastic windows, no storage, bad plumbing, badly designed wiring and little to no ventilation, surrounded by hideous brown fences and pokey little gardens. And for variety, we have 'pebble dashing', fake concrete tiles and magnolia rendering. Why are British houses like that? And why do developers still build houses like that? I have a love for American houses-crisp white timber beauties with huge basements, 3 floors, industrial heating systems, storage galore, pretty sash windows and white picket fences. For starters, you'd of thought that in a country as small as Britain, houses would try to make best use of space by digging basements and building 3 storeys, but we don't. If someone says it's just because bricks are cheap in this country, I don't believe it... building a timber frame building is much cheaper, quicker, environmentally friendly, thermally efficient and far more flexible. Like many things, is it just a social thing~people get used to the way things have 'always been done' and replicate them regardless of their flaws, or is it a historical thing~did the 2nd world war mean that the country needed to just build mes of houses as cheaply and unimaginatively as possible using whatever materials we could dig up, and it just took on... forever? It does my head in how nothing ever gets better, and how I can take a train journey across the country and see rows and rows of identical hideous mock-georgian houses blotting the landscape.